MEET COMET'S TEAM OF REALTORS® (left-right): Layne Smith, Keith Silva, Erik Slayter, Hayley Townley, Tim Townley, Therese Cron, Kristin Lachemann, Mike Copeland. Pictured in front of their 1965 Mercury Comet Station Wagon, named Buckwheat.

If you are looking to buy or sell a home on the Central Coast of California in San Luis Obispo County in what Oprah has claimed "the happiest place on earth", we are at your service. 805.546.9925,

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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Hayley's FENG SHUI TIP: Assessment Quiz

Feng Shui is one-third common sense, one-third good design; the last third consists of ancient knowledge and traditions, enhancements and cures that may seem odd to us--- but they work!?

Feng Shui Personal Assessment Quiz
Give serious thought to each of the following areas of your life. 
Rate your responses on a scale of 1 through 10:
  • 1 being a low score 
  • 5 being average
  • 10 being highest. 

There are no right or wrong answers and your score is for you alone. You will benefit the most from this quiz by being as honest with yourself as possible. 

CAREER, the JOURNEY  My life’s work is satisfying and rewarding. My chosen field is challenging and pleasurable. I look forward to going to work each day and feel lucky to be in the career I have chosen.
KNOWLEDGE, CONTEMPLATION  My desire to learn is ongoing and I am always ready to improve my skills. I continuously strive to further my knowledge and acquire new information.
FAMILY, ELDERS  The relationships within my family are wholesome, positive and beneficial to each family member. We have nurturing and supportive feelings toward each other.
HEALTH  I am blessed with a strong constitution, a positive outlook, and definite emotional balance. I am healthy in body, mind, and spirit.
WEALTH, ABUNDANCE  My life is filled with financial stability; I have enough assets to meet my material needs and have a deep sense of security. I feel “rich” and abundance surrounds me.
FAME, ILLUMINATION  I am appreciated and well-liked among my friends and community. My reputation is very solid and positive; I feel confident and secure among my co-workers.
MARRIAGE, RELATIONSHIPS  My romantic life is wonderful and fulfilling. My mate and I have excellent communication, intimacy, and share a solid sense of partnership. We are the envy of other couples
CHILDREN, CREATIVITY  I am quite pleased with my children’s development and the relationship we share. There is a deep mutual respect & open lines of communication between us. My creative energy is abundant and I feel fulfilled in all aspects of my artistic abilities.
HELPFUL PEOPLE, TRAVEL  I have a solid support group of friends and they come to my aid when I’m in need. I reciprocate this kindness and assistance fully. My travel plans are in full swing and I am delighted with all aspects of the “adventure” side of my life.
Feng Shui gives us another method of dealing with Life Issues. In any area where you rated yourself 5 or less, you might consider some strong Feng Shui enhancements or remedies. You can look and see which areas of your life could benefit from additional CHI energy. 
“NOW WHAT?”, you may be asking yourself. Tim & Hayley Townley both hold the designation of F.S.C.R.E. (Feng Shui Certified for Real Estate). They look forward to helping you make your life the best it can be. 
If you rated low in a certain area of your life, email us for positive recommendations that can be combated by placement of symbols and metaphors to create harmony and balance in your life. Feng Shui “solutions” do not need to be expensive or elaborate. We can assist you in being creative, and using what you have on hand. 
This is just another service that Comet Realty offers you - our friends and clients. We look forward to helping you make some happy changes in your life, whether it means buying or selling your home, or enhancing the one you already own! 
If you mention you saw this ad on our blog, Hayley will give you a one hour complimentary feng shui consultation (Central Coast California residents only, please!) 
Of course, we look forward to your business and are never too busy for your referrals. 

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Move right into this 3 bedroom plus office/den/4th bedroom, 3 bath home. This lovely home is located in the Los Ranchos school district in San Luis Obispo, across from a neighborhood park and walking/biking paths. Other amenities include eco-friendly drought tolerant landscaping, plantation shutters, tile and laminate flooring, loft area, and 2 car garage. 

It's priced at only $589,000. Call Comet Realty today to see the inside of this superclean home!

Visit the property website for more information:

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Timing is everything…

Spring forward, fall back! This weekend is Daylight Savings Time (unless you live in Hawaii, or Arizona - two states who don’t need that extra hour of sunshine!) Beginning this Sunday, most of us get an extra hour of daylight added to our day. 
I give my house a tune-up on DST weekend. I challenge you to spend one of your extra hours of sunlight making your home healthier for you and your loved ones. The cost of these few items is a small price to pay for peace of mind.
The batteries in your smoke alarm should be tested, and/or replaced. Your detector may take 9-volt, AA or AAA batteries. Be sure to check before you head to the hardware store. 
It is always good to protect yourself against the unseen. If you don’t have one in your home, now might be a good time to pick one up. You can find them at your local hardware store, or on Some models plug into an outlet, but I like ones that have a battery, or a battery back-up. First Alert and Kidde both make a combination smoke alarm/carbon monoxide detector. 
Clean or replace them.
Since you’re already going to the hardware store for batteries, pick up a filter for your furnace, unless yours is re-usable and can be cleaned with a hose (check your manufacturers directions to find out).
Replace your kitchen exhaust air filter, and clean the exhaust hood. Also dust/vaccuum your heating/cooling registers.
When was the last time you picked up a new fire extinguisher? If you can’t remember, it’s probably time to get a new one! You can usually find them in packages of two. I like to have one in the kitchen, one near the barbecue, and one in each of the cars. 
Tip: Don’t store the fire extinguisher over the stove. If something on the stovetop needs the extinguisher, you do not want to have to reach over flames. 
You don’t think about it until it stops working. Visit to find out how draining your hot water heater annually can add years onto its life. 
Of course, don’t forget to change all your clocks–in the house (living room, bedrooms, microwave, VCR and other electronic equipment), garage, office, cars and watches–spring forward one hour this weekend. 
I’m sure you can think of other items you can attend to, since you have that extra hour of daylight. I’d love to know what you have on your list, in case I need to add it to mine too.
Enjoy your longer days! 

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Take care of your credit if you want to buy a house!

My mother always told me that if you have good credit, you will be able to afford almost anything you NEED. As a rule it takes awhile to establish good credit, and only a few foolish choices to wreck it!

There is nothing worse than getting all excited about a house, then finding out that your credit is so bad you could not afford to buy a 1992 Honda Civic!

In order to determine what you can afford, most lenders check your FICO credit score. You can get a free copy of your credit report free either by mail or online at: You are entitled to one free credit report once a year. But beware, too many credit inquiries will have a negative effect on your credit score.

Scores range from 350 to 850. Under 600 and you are most likely going to have a tough time getting a loan. 660 seems to be the magic number, and the higher the better. 720 and up things should be real easy for you.

In order to figure out your credit score, most lenders weigh your credit history using this formula:
 Timely Payments = 35%
 Total Debt = 30%
 Length of Credit History = 15%
 New Credit Inquiries = 10%
 Amount/Type of Credit = 10%

We are by no means experts in the credit world we just want you to know what your FICO credit score is and how it will effect your home purchase. If you are in credit trouble we suggest that you find a good credit counselor and get a plan together so Comet Realty can help find you a new home!