MEET COMET'S TEAM OF REALTORS® (left-right): Layne Smith, Keith Silva, Erik Slayter, Hayley Townley, Tim Townley, Therese Cron, Kristin Lachemann, Mike Copeland. Pictured in front of their 1965 Mercury Comet Station Wagon, named Buckwheat.

If you are looking to buy or sell a home on the Central Coast of California in San Luis Obispo County in what Oprah has claimed "the happiest place on earth", we are at your service. 805.546.9925,

BRE #01517364

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Hayley's Feng Shui Tip: LUCKY DIRECTIONS


This is the direction for you to sit FACING when you are making decisions, negotiating contracts, working on important projects, etc. 

Begin by finding your KUA number: 


  • Add together the last two digits of the year you were born. 
  • If the result is 10 or more, add the two digits together to reduce them to a single digit.
  • Add 5.
  • If this result is 10 or more, add them together again to reduce to a single number. 
  • If your answer is 5, use number 8.
  • Add together the last two digits of the year you were born. 
  • If the result is 10 or more, add the two digits together to reduce them to a single digit.
  • Subtract from 10.
  • If your answer is 5, use the number 2. 


Find your personal feng shui direction number on the corresponding guide above. These are your personal directions. 

Sit with your chest facing energies 1-4
Sleep with your head facing energies 1-4
Avoid sitting/sleeping in energies 5-8

  1. Prosperity. Success. Vitality.
  2. Health. Healing Energy. Good Fortune.
  3. Longevity. Good Relations. Harmony.
  4. Comfort. Stability. Peace.
  5. Difficulties. Frustrations. Quarrels.
  6. Bad Luck. Property/Income Loss.
  7. Poor Health. Accidents. Litigations.
  8. Disasters. Chronic Illness. Bankruptcy.

PLEASE NOTE: In Feng Shui, there are no wrong or right ways. There are inexpensive cures to remedy a situation that could use improvement. If you have found that your desk or bed faces the wrong direction, email us for some ideas on how to better enhance your personal direction. 

EXAMPLE: My own desk faces one of my negative energies, but I have found an inexpensive cure (under $5!) to "fix it". 

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Happy Comet Realty Clients

This adorable two bedroom, one bath home in Atascadero was purchased by one of Comet Realty's happy clients in May, 2011. Other than the fact that this is one of the cutest little cottages in all of the land, she also got it for 85% of the asking price! She is truly a Happy Comet Realty Client!

The Realtors® at Comet Realty are amazing negotiators. Call them today to experience the Comet Realty difference. 805.546.9925 or

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Pending Home Sales Turnaround

Pending home sales rose strongly in May with all regions experiencing gains from a year ago, pointing to higher housing activity in the second half of the year, according to the National Association of Realtors®.
The Pending Home Sales Index,* a forward-looking indicator based on contract signings, rose 8.2 percent to 88.8 in May from an upwardly revised 82.1 in April and is 13.4 percent higher than the 78.3 reading in May 2010. The data reflects contracts but not closings, which normally occur with a lag time of one or two months.
This is the first time since April 2010 that contract activity was above year-ago levels, and the monthly gain was the strongest increase since last November when the index rose 10.6 percent.
Lawrence Yun, NAR chief economist, said the improvement bodes well for home prices. “Absorption of inventory is the key to price improvement, and this solid gain in contract signings implies that home values in many localities are or will soon be stabilizing as inventories get absorbed at a faster pace,” he said. “Some markets have made a rapid turnaround, going from soft activity to contract signings rising by more than 30 percent from a year ago, including areas such as Hartford, Conn.; Indianapolis; Minneapolis; Houston; and Seattle.”
Pending home sales have trended up unevenly since bottoming last June, rising in seven of the past 11 months. “Home sales still could be 15 to 20 percent higher,” Yun said. “If banks would simply return to normal sound underwriting standards and begin lending to more creditworthy borrowers, we’d get a much faster recovery in the housing sector.”

Friday, July 8, 2011

Happy Comet Realty Clients

In May of 2011, Tim Townley, Broker, listed 185 Aspen in Arroyo Grande as a short sale, and closed it successfully within 69 days for more than 95% of the asking price! 

Short sales can be stressful transactions for all parties involved. Let Tim, or any of our other experienced Realtors, negotiate YOUR transaction and experience the Comet Realty difference for yourself.

Tim can be reached at 805.440.8735 or 

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Is this the time to invest in Real Estate?

The secret to investing is to buy low and sell high!  There I've given you all the #1 tip in Real Estate investing!  The tricky part is finding out exactly when low is the lowest, and when high is the highest.  It is easy to see when the bottom is a couple of years after we have hit it--but that like all hind sight it does not help us right now.

What does help us is watching trends, and reviewing historical data.  Real Estate has been a cyclical market in the past, and most likely will be in the future.  The latest news from "the experts" is that we will be hitting the bottom sometime in 2011, with stable prices through 2015.  

The chart below gives you some idea of what "the experts" expect for the next 5 years.  


So according to this, it looks like it is time to break the piggy bank, and invest in some new property!  Give us a shout and lets find your property while it is sliding along the bottom!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Comet Realty Clients

Olivia is out at Avila Beach sporting her Comet Realty re-usable shopping bag which she uses to carry her sand castle building materials to and from her home. Thanks for sharing, Olivia!
Comet Realty loves Olivia!