MEET COMET'S TEAM OF REALTORS® (left-right): Layne Smith, Keith Silva, Erik Slayter, Hayley Townley, Tim Townley, Therese Cron, Kristin Lachemann, Mike Copeland. Pictured in front of their 1965 Mercury Comet Station Wagon, named Buckwheat.

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Friday, May 31, 2013

Moving Out & Moving In Checklist

This list was provided compliments of:

Kevin Hauber, Senior Loan Consultant
iMortgage in San Luis Obispo

Thursday, May 30, 2013

RED ALERT - Urge Your Senator to VOTE NO on SB391!

Senate Pulls Dirty Trick!
Tries to Punish C.A.R. for Opposing Recording Tax by Holding C.A.R.’s Tax Relief Bill Hostage 

Call Your Senator NOW! Urge a NO Vote on Recording Tax 

In a surprise move last week, the Senate Appropriations Committee linked C.A.R SPONSORED bill, SB 30, which provides tax relief to those who are selling a home in a short sale to SB 391, a C.A.R.-opposed bill that creates a recording tax, using a shameful political maneuver to force C.A.R. to support the recording tax. As now linked, SB 30 can only become law if SB 391 becomes law. Once SB 391 is defeated, the link in SB 30 can be removed. PLEASE ACT NOW. THE VOTE COULD BE AS SOON AS NOON TUESDAY!!!

REALTORS® and the public should be OUTRAGED that distressed homeowners are being held hostage by Senate Leadership.

 Action Item 


 Ask him or her to stand with REALTORS® and families and

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Here are detailed background and talking points on both bills. 

Background/Talking Points

C.A.R. is OPPOSING SB 391 (DeSaulnier) which imposes a recording TAX to generate funds for affordable housing programs. SB 391 creates a $75 per document recording TAX to fund the affordable housing trust.  C.A.R. is opposing this measure because it unfairly adds to the cost of recording real estate documents. C.A.R. is an aggressive advocate for affordable housing, but believes it is bad policy to fund affordable housing at the expense of homeowners who need to record real estate documents. The real issue is that this TAX is imposed only on real estate document recordings.  Affordable housing programs should be funded by the broadest base possible of California's citizens.
C.A.R. opposed the bill’s predecessor, SB 1220, last year until the bill was amended to exempt recordings that were part of a sales transaction.  Afterward, C.A.R. supported the measure, but it was defeated. Don't be misled by allegations that C.A.R. "changed its position" on SB 391.  C.A.R.'s Board of Directors considered SB 391 for the first time in May of this year; prior to that, C.A.R. did not take a position on SB 391.  The sponsors were advised of this process well before the bill was introduced. In May, the Board of Directors voted to oppose SB 391.
C.A.R. is opposing SB 391 because:
  • SB 391 unfairly targets property owners who need to record real estate documents to pay for affordable housing programs. Affordable housing is an issue of broad social concern. While there may be a need for affordable housing funds, it is unfair to require only those individuals recording real estate documents to be the sources of that funding.             
  • SB 391 is a recording TAX. While it may not apply to sale transactions, it still applies anytime a homeowner needs to record a document (e.g., refinancing, transferring into or out of a trust, liens, quit claim deeds, etc.).
  • SB 391 provides no guidelines; it doesn’t prioritize affordable housing needs and requires little oversight. There is nothing in the bill that specifies how funds should be awarded and it provides little oversight as to the best uses of the funds. While it contains an audit requirement, that requirement doesn’t even kick in until the end of the program’s second year, when $1 billion could have already been distributed.  And, it’s “geographic” approach to distributing the funds doesn’t ensure the neediest Californians benefit from the program. 
  • While C.A.R. aggressively supports the creation of homeownership opportunities, SB 391 is clearly not the way to achieve that goal. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Financial Perks of Homeownership Infographic

If you, or someone you know, is considering buying or selling a home this year, 
please contact your favorite Comet Realty agent today for excellent representation. 

(HINT: look to the right to see our team of Realtors®)